Omega, has decided to become enemies with this clan. Reason being is that you have been annoying a clan owned by the brother of my friend, GrayveXP. Add us to your enemies list. And try not to get too many enemies in the process.
Lol'ed, Devi1, you might as well give up now, you have over 6 clans against you and more are coming, i doubt Delaid will accept officialization for such a nefarious clan, which has over 4 official clans as enemys, good luck anarchy, becuase your going to need it.
Devil's already a notorious scammer, and he's started two or three other failed DSCs.I doubt delaid even bothers to fully read them before rejecting his applications at this point.
Anyways, are Omega and Dragon going to join in with the war, or start their own, or what? Jungle and Piratez are participating at least, Vortex probably will as well. Dunno about Guardians.
Lolol, good luck.