Original Post

Clan Story
The 9 Circles of hell's gods had fallen and nobody knew who would replace them...Until a tori named wazax decieded to put together a team who would defend the circles of hell from any threat they were named nine.







1) No scamming
2) Respect other clan members, allies and friends.
3) Don't farm
4) Leader has final say
5) Don't be stupid!
6) Be active ingame and on forums.
7) Nine member only in the clan at a time.

Any breaking of these rules will cause us to ask u to leave the clan!


To build a strong clan, trustworthy, humble, succesful clan
And to become official. (50k)


Who u want apply for: (Limbo;Lustful ect.)
Belt: (must be over Black belt)
Best Mod:
Speciality: (Vidoes;Art ect.)
Post 3 or more replays.


Our bank is called Ninebank
Please donate so we can get to 50k and become official.
I will post donations.

Donations: (Bank = 1333 tc)

wazax - 1k
Sup3ri0r - 333tc
Last edited by wazax; Jun 20, 2010 at 02:45 PM.
Yes you do need that and you need asubtitlethat says clan story, and make a rule that makes clan members post.
Good luck, and if you need help message Dex and me.
Rightio, ill help you out a little
To become official, you will need members. 9 will not be enough. I would suggest making you the creator of the clan (basically you have final say), another 8 co-leaders and everyone else just monions or something. This way you wil be leader, you will have your co-leader(s) and the other various members

To get the TC for officialness, make everyone in your clan fork over at least 100TC each week. This is not a huge ask, but the cash will build up over time. To earn extra TC, enter tourneys, there are multiple 24 hour running tourney servers

KEEP YOUR MEMBERS ACTIVE! I cannot stress this enough, once members start becoming inactive, your over. It is extremely difficult to come back from it and usually you wind up being a dead clan. To do this, host regular clan tourneys.

Get some allies. If you have any TB friends in other clans then ask their clan to be allies with yours. Just post on their forums. An upside to this is you may one day merge. Another upside is the clan yourneys - Clan Nine vs their clan. Great fun

Make all members who wish to join simple minions / lower class members (as in not leaders / co-leaders). Once they have proven their dedication, have them fill out a form and promote them to a co-leader (lustfullness, limbo, etc.) position

Create a blacklist. This is where you display all members who you and your members will not allow into the clan. These can be people who have scammed you or your members, flammed, left (on bad circumstances) or have simply been banned from the clan. You can also add clas to this list

Make a clan video. Once you have enough members, get them to post their best replays and make a clan video. Make sure its something original that advertises your clan, not just some random clips. It has to be in sync with the audio (as in if the drum goes bang on the song, try to have a player landing a hit), it has to have a range of members, it has to show the players names (just in subtitles during the first few seconds of each replay), and it hs to have your clan name somewhere in it.

And that should just about do it. You dont have to follow anything that ive said, but I have been through this, I have made a clan and I have picked up a few things along the way.
Originally Posted by EvilFlame View Post
Rightio, ill help you out a little
To become official, you will need members. 9 will not be enough.

You can become offical with 3-4 (Can't remember which) people.
Deadly seven became offical with only 7 people.

Originally Posted by EvilFlame View Post
I would suggest making you the creator of the clan (basically you have final say), another 8 co-leaders and everyone else just monions or something. This way you wil be leader, you will have your co-leader(s) and the other various members

8 co's would get a bit chaotic, 2 or 3 max is usually enough.

Originally Posted by EvilFlame View Post
To get the TC for officialness, make everyone in your clan fork over at least 100TC each week. This is not a huge ask, but the cash will build up over time. To earn extra TC, enter tourneys, there are multiple 24 hour running tourney servers

Asking people for a tax won't make people want to join.
People should donate of their own accord, not be forced to.

Originally Posted by EvilFlame View Post
KEEP YOUR MEMBERS ACTIVE! I cannot stress this enough, once members start becoming inactive, your over. It is extremely difficult to come back from it and usually you wind up being a dead clan. To do this, host regular clan tourneys.

The main point is good, but the way to do it isn't.
Clan tourneys cost tc, hosting them regularly will cost alot.
Try to keep people talking on the DSC and meet them ingame.

Originally Posted by EvilFlame View Post
Make all members who wish to join simple minions / lower class members (as in not leaders / co-leaders). Once they have proven their dedication, have them fill out a form and promote them to a co-leader (lustfullness, limbo, etc.) position

Listen to this part, too many clans give people high ranks simply because of their belt.
Make people proove their worth before promoting them.

Originally Posted by EvilFlame View Post
Create a blacklist. This is where you display all members who you and your members will not allow into the clan. These can be people who have scammed you or your members, flammed, left (on bad circumstances) or have simply been banned from the clan. You can also add clas to this list

No problems with this besides adding clans to the blacklist, you should add clans to your "Enemies" section if you don't like them.

Originally Posted by EvilFlame View Post
Make a clan video. Once you have enough members, get them to post their best replays and make a clan video. Make sure its something original that advertises your clan, not just some random clips. It has to be in sync with the audio (as in if the drum goes bang on the song, try to have a player landing a hit), it has to have a range of members, it has to show the players names (just in subtitles during the first few seconds of each replay), and it hs to have your clan name somewhere in it.

You should pay someone who knows what their doing to make the clan video, unless you have experience yourself.

Hope this helps.