Original Post
Longest run
Exactly as the title says.

15,000 ED or slightly more, I guess a script could be used to measure it exactly.

Mod was sambo.tbm, replay attached.


Update: Due to tamer0's and tempo's advice, I have changed the record.
It is now the fastest 15,000 ED run
New measurement of record: 3000 frames.
Also in sambo, same replay used.
Attached Files
long distance run.rpl (559.2 KB, 167 views)
Last edited by Boredpayne; Jun 30, 2010 at 02:21 AM.
There needs to be some sort of limitation to this record.

Like longest run within 1000 frames or something. Otherwise you could set a high MF and just keep adding more steps.
Yes, you could, if you had the ability to.
The aim of the record is to run as far as you can in a relatively straight line (you have to if you're measuring by ED) without falling over. It's a valid test of skill.

Also, meamme, you haven't added it to the book of records yet, d'awww.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Jun 24, 2010 at 03:50 AM. Reason: Still not in record book
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
run as far as you can in a relatively straight line

Yeah, that's way too vague. Also, seeing as pretty much anyone could get this record as long as they have the patience to keep running, it's not really record-worthy. Try the fastest 1,000ED run or the fastest 5,000ED run instead maybe - a record with a limitation to definitively test skill, kinda what DeeJayy was saying.
Not understanding how a record can be too vague, when specifying it merely chooses one of the records it could hold and takes away some of the importance of the achievement.

If you absolutely have to change it somehow, then I guess I'll have it be fastest 15,000 ed run, even if it's the only one, which makes it look totally lame.

New measurement of record: 3000 frames.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Not understanding how a record can be too vague, when specifying it merely chooses one of the records it could hold and takes away some of the importance of the achievement.

I don't think you understand what I meant when I said "too vague". The fact that you stated that the record's aim is "run as far as you can in a relatively straight line" is the part I am saying is "too vague".

Making a record for running as far as you can in one replay would basically mean that any challengers would just be able to crank up the match frames and increase the engage distance and as long as they have a bit of patience, they could run as far as they want to. This could directly be compared to making a record for most points in a replay - simply increase the match frames and punch Uke's face for longer than the previous guy.

In the end, it's not really my decision though. War is pretty much the guy that decides what gets in and what stays out so yeah.
My god, thats a long run.

just the thought of running THAT FAR for THAT LONG blows my mind.
I think he should get it, vague or not.
he busted his ass doing the whole thing, give em his glory.
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