Harro people reasons for my inactivity... I got in a fight with a few kids for a different school at one of my football games. This one kid insulted me and my girlfriend Claire so I was getting pissed when his friend called Claire a c**t... So I jumped one the kid and started whailing on him. So his friend tried to help him so my friend pat tackled him and started beating his ass. Then my coach brole up the fight and the kid I was fighting couldt get up. So my coach yelled at me and suspened me for a week with got my varsity coach mad becuase I'm his best O Line player... So I got all my stuff tooken away and now I got my dads phone so I'll be on this weekend. Best thing is my mom did't know I was sneaking out to hang with Claire. Btw I'm on my blackberry so I'm typing shitty.