Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Irc, irc, irc, go go go
You people are never in it D: Even if we aren't an irc based clan it's always good to talk with the recruits in there.

I told warmedic to start lurking there, so start going into the addicted irc whenever you're online, not just for trainees.

TL;DR : Get in irc whenever you're online :<
iirc we used to be active on irc, then stopped, then tried to raise activity, worked for few days, then failed and stoped.

Man, highlights are fucking bullshit, going on irc causes 58185819558 highlights to get over me, argh.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Addicted irc used to have 6~10 members daily etc but eh they've stopped joining so are the allies etc Rai stopped joining cause he went in for 10 days in the channel alone and till now # non addicts > # addicts there

Also do guys want me to re-reg it again? :o
im there, talkin with warmedic join the conv when you come online
I would, but I'm on iPod, it's pretty wired how mainly non addicts are normally there. Ezeth, micho, maple,
It's fun chatting with you guys. :3
Last edited by War; Jul 29, 2010 at 12:13 PM.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
Originally Posted by WarMedic View Post
It's fun chatting with you guys. :3

<3 I can see you fitting in with us :3
Aika> what are you guys doing? still fapping on hanna montana?
<Aika> listining to justin bieber?
<Gamingelf> nope
<Gamingelf> listening to hanna montana
<Gamingelf> and fapping on justin bieber

be shure you are over 18 if you want to join irc