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[Seminar]Death Penalty
Oh look, an actual topic!

This is the death penalty topic. Should it be allowed? If so why? Should it be banned?

Here's an article for the death penalty that cites some actual cases and has a lot of good points for both sides:

Death Penalty Fails to Rehabilitate
What would it accomplish to put someone on death row? The victim is already dead-you cannot bring him back. When the opponents feel “fear of death” will prevent one from committing murder, it is not true because most murders are done on the “heat of passion” when a person cannot think rationally. Therefore, how can one even have time to think of fear in the heat of passion (Internet)?
ACLU and Murderers Penniless
The American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU) is working for a moratorium on executions and to put an end to state-sanctioned murder in the United States. They claim it is very disturbing to anyone who values human life.
In the article of the ACLU Evolution Watch, the American Bar Association said the quality of the legal representation is substantial. Ninety-nine percent of criminal defendants end up penniless by the time their case is up for appeal. They claim they are treated unfairly. Most murderers who do not have any money, receive the death penalty. Those who live in counties pro-death penalty are more likely to receive the death penalty. (Internet).

and more

Crime Rate Increases
Millions are being killed and will be killed because our justice system is not working. Millions have already been killed and will be killed every year. According to Time Magazine, there are 2,000,000 people beaten in the United States. Some are knifed, shot, or assaulted (Internet).
Crime growth has been going up in the past because of too much leniency going hand in hand with the increased rate of people being victimized. There are many loop holes devised for offenders, and because of that crime rate has increased drastically. Between l960 to 1968 crime rate increased 11 times. More and more people are being murdered, raped, assaulted, kidnapped, and robbed, etc. (Isenberg, I., 1997).
Free Will
When you commit a felony, it is a matter of free will. No one is compelled to commit armed robbery, murder, or rape. The average citizen does not have a mind or intentions to become a killer or being falsely accused of murder. What he is worried about is being a victim.

There's a lot more than this and I encourage you to read it.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Let me see if I can spit out a good response:

So, I believe there should be no death penalty. Why you ask? For a couple of reasons. The main reason being that there is no punishment. The criminal did something inhumane, he(using a boy as an example) commited murder. Now, I'm not pro-human or anything like that, but to kill someone is 100% illegal, and should not be tolerated.
If he killed someone shouldn't he be punished?
Of course, but will death show him how wrong what he did was?..Of course not. The only thing the death penalty does is instill a sense of fear into criminals. It does not, does not, teach them a lesson. Killing someone, then going to jail for a few weeks, then being put to death will not teach that person anything. They'll probably be scared, then just die. I don't consider this punishing them. Not even if they killed multiple people.
If you kill someone you shouldn't die for it. You should be in jail for it. You should sit in jail until you die. And in cases with multiple murders, you should be in solitary confinement until you die. If you want someone to actually be punished, this is the way to go. Putting someone in jail does not make them better, they won't be rehabilitated. They might have the mindset, "Oh maybe I shouldn't do that again." But they won't have it engraved into their head. And for murder, you need to step it up. Letting the people who have committed murder back on the streets isn't going to help them. If anything there's a higher chance for them to kill again. And do we really need that? Them back in jail in like 3 months, on some other charge? No, I say let them sit in jail until they die, that is a fair punishment for murder.

Anyway I think im just starting to ramble.
Kinda funny how I'll write something like this for tb, but not for school xD

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The death penalty makes no logical sense, and any justification of it disproves itself automatically.
Originally Posted by death penalty supporter
We live in a society that values life so much, that if you take somebody's life, we will take yours!

The argument cancels itself out.
Quit, probably.
The death penalty is a pretty stupid idea, in my opinion.
The only thing it is good for at this point is letting the family feel a sense of justice depending on the crime. For example, if I had a daughter, and Billy Joe raped her, I probably wouldn't be satisfied with his serving life. Then again, I don't know what it is like to be a father.

I wouldn't be against the death penalty if the rest of society BENEFITED from it a little more.
We gain absolutely nothing (neglecting what I'm about to mention) from sentencing a man to death. Now, if we harvested his organs at that point for vital transplants, that would be another story.

Another way to view it is, the amount of food a life-in-prison felon consumes in a typical life sentence costs more than the toxins used to kill him. We save money, family gets retribution, homeboy gets put out of his incarcerated misery. So sure, from that aspect.
In my opinion, the death penalty is a mercy. A life in jail is pretty miserable. And keeping prisoners is expensive, getting rid of those that suck up the most government cash is not at all a bad idea.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
I don't know where you guys live, but im sure most countries are not in the greatest condition to be spending money to feed and take care of criminals. Of course we could also use his organs for transplants.

We definitly shouldn't be sentencing every pety crime to the death penalty, but if it was something serious (Murder, rape, etc.) Death penalty could prove usefull.

This is more of an economic stand point.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
I don't know where you guys live, but im sure most countries are not in the greatest condition to be spending money to feed and take care of criminals. Of course we could also use his organs for transplants.

This is more of an economic stand point.

I like this idea. Rather then just kill them, We could take their organs and give them to people who need them. Could be good for the economy, and its pretty much the death penalty.

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Originally Posted by EpikTh0rn View Post
In my opinion, the death penalty is a mercy. A life in jail is pretty miserable. And keeping prisoners is expensive, getting rid of those that suck up the most government cash is not at all a bad idea.


But I just don't think we are making enough money to justify it morally. He raped an infant, sure. But will killing him teach him a lesson?

It serves absolutely no purpose, other than capitalism. And it is sad if capitalism is the only way to justify ending a conscious human's life. There are many things that these people can be used for, such as psychoanalyzing. We could find out incredible things from these people. (I don't just mean counselling, either.) We aren't, though. We are just poisoning them, and letting the public watch in some instances.
We can debate about the monetary worth all day, but in the end it has to do a lot with different morals. The most likely scenario is that the people who like the idea of the death penalty feel it is morally correct to punish someone with death for what they see as an equal crime. The people on the other side think punishment with death is never to be our decision or some other similar argument.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
I belive simply that the death penalty is cold blooded murder. It is simply sinking to the muderers level which is never ever acceptable. By killing them you show that you are equal to them and this is not the case. I believe that life imprisonment should be the punishment, or some kind of solitary confinement. Killing under no circumstances is right, but housing, keeping away from society or even hopefully re-habilitating i feel is the way forward. It simply comes down to, are you going to kill someone. I am strongly against it.
You say its equal to the crime, thats surely because it is a crime. But your right, i feel death is never the solution.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.