I totally fell out of the Halo Series.
Purchased Halo 1 the day it came out, really enjoyed it. Never beat the campaign, was too busy playing multiplayer.
Purchased Halo 2 the week it came out, enjoyed it even more. Most likely, for balanced reasons, I love vehicles, and swords.
Purchased Halo 3, got EXTREMELY disappointed about everything except the graphics. Energy in swords, gravity hammers, the grenade set-up... oy. The only thing I can say is I did beat THAT campaign and I was satisfied with the ending of the supposed trilogy.
THEN THEY MADE MORE!!! Which really upset me. Because the whole psych up about Halo 3 was that it was the last of a trilogy, Bungi was going to have to come up with some super new and exciting.
Nope. They made more. Haven't purchased anyone past three now.