Ingame Name-Slawp
Belt- green (black belt in b4shata and 6th dan in thenoobzxd)
How long you have been playing- almost 9 months o7
Your Age- 11 :>
Timezone and country- GMT +3:00 russia
Your Best mode/mod-greykido
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)- no infractions, permaban for b4shata reason: invading and signature with spoiler-link
Previous clans (if any)- Fire, C3
Personality- My name is bashar (call me bash/bashata/b4). im a wibbler o7. i like anime.
Pie or cake?- sweets
æ? /b/? etc?- tl;dr
The internet is SRS BSNS?- fuck yeah
Always, I wanna be with you, and make believe with you- ogm im rporttign u ot hapma
So I herd u liek mudkips?- I herd u ask me shit question
Why you want to join (put some effort into this)- I like inc[o]gnito, the members too. I love kat . She(he?) begged me to join :>
i didnt post the app with thenoobzxd cause i dont own it anymore, i gave it for free :>
Originally Posted by
Once again people who does not even try to answer on half of the goddamn questions.
i answer on the optional questions
Last edited by Slawp; Mar 27, 2011 at 11:47 PM.