Original Post
[s] 13 sets/heads
Hello, today I am selling off all the various texture sets and heads that I still have lying around. Where possible I have credited original artists. Have a look below and offer on any of the sets. Please note, I am only interested in TC. thanks.

I will not re-colour or re-size, so don't bother asking. I also won't show you previews with certain forces/relaxes, primarily because I can't be bothered. If you would like some additional previews PM me. Have fun.

Dajoka Tribal

Tompaine Dragon

Ezeth Robotic

FawFlaw Robotic

Gabiel Colourful

Barreta Robotic

Star Wars Set 1

White Robotic

Tompaine Tribal

Vermine Head

Tompaine Cyborg Head


Last edited by Fee; Mar 31, 2011 at 05:54 PM.
Originally Posted by Hardy512 View Post
All my deactivated +900tc for Gabiel Colourful

I'm only accepting TC, plus your deactivated isn't worth much.
Hey Fee.
I see your set preview's are in the same relax/force.
If you send me the tga files i can do better pictures for you.
For free , sure.

<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
The force/relax colour has no bearing on what the textures look like. I appreciate the offer but it would just be a waste of both of our time.