Original Post
[A]Emo Armor set

Staring bid: 15k
minraise: 1k
Auto Buy: 35k
Last edited by Globe; Apr 26, 2011 at 12:56 PM.
Marketer once again.
Is this not Tatsujay's old set?
I'll start bid if this is not copying, which it looks like.

Do you accept items?
isent the orginal set with a panda head and not the one you buyd from my shop?
and witch size are the body textures?
"the south will rise again" -millie
its 128x128 also i got the set w/o the head so idk also due to size im lowering the starting bid to 15k
Marketer once again.
I'll start bid if you lower it. I'm not feeling to that much for shoes half of TB own and a second hand head.