Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Art] Concept Joint Colors
Nothing really special here. I just wanted to show you all some colors I was thinking of that would be interesting to see in game. So without further hesitation:

I will probably add more soon. If you'd like to see a specific color just pm me and I'll see what I can do. Just tell me what you think about my colors I guess.
Last edited by TomPaine; May 3, 2011 at 12:38 AM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Tango is too close to sphinx, cadet is too close to camo, and burly may be coming close to shaman,
but fusion, samoa, and centric are very nice.
It's hard to come up with many original colors, because there are so many already.

I lke the previews, though.
But since the burly text is so dark, try giving it a brighter outline, for more contrast.
And fix the first C in centric. It's cut down the middle.
Last edited by supahninja; May 2, 2011 at 03:32 AM.
Centric Looks like gaia/warrior.
Fusion and Samao are the only colors i could see coming ingame.
Fusion kinda looks like orc with shaders.
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

Got rid of Tango. Changed Cadet. Fixed name for Centric.Burly is a purple Shaman.

It is too close. I might end up deleting Centric.

Also, added more colors.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
if burly was a bit lighter/brighter, it would be great.
comboing that with demo would look too great
actually been wanting to do something with that kind of scheme
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-