Original Post
Is this weird?
Title does not tell much, but... I'm in kind of love, and... I guess it's normal to be, but...

...I'm 13.

I might be in the middle of adolescence, but I just want to ask that
1. Has it happened to anyoe else?
2. Should I just wait until I'm older? Might be risky if different classes and even schools might get to the way. or...
3. Should I perform "action"? Oh, don't take it the... "bad way" please. ;D
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Its normal.
If you are going to get in some sort of relationship, make sure it works. Most relationships in that age most likely end after a few weeks.
If i was you i wouldn't take that too seriously, just perform the "action", and see if something cool comes within.
It's up to you to make the decision.
It's All About Expansion
It is completely normal, some people in my class started dating when they were 12, and kissing since they were 12-13. So if you are in love and want to be with that person you should wait till you get older because these kind of relationships can last for a really short time.
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I see the seriousness of the relationship is important, one of my class liked one girl once but after 1½ months he said something VERY nasty about her. But if you ask me this one ain't stopping short if it depends on me. But I can't choose the right way yet... I need more opinions. Anyone else?
One big problem is that I don't know what she thinks about me. We sit in the same group in class (4 students, 2 bys, 2 girls) and the thing most hopeful is that I still insist to believe that when she peers at me sometimes that it has something to do with this kind of stuff.
And another problem is that If I tell her, the word might spread to her est friend, and she can't keep her mouth shut and after a few days I hear about it at home... Or in school, which is the kind the same. Not that it would be bad for me if my parents knew...
But one thing I'm glad to hear is that it's very far normal. (Wow, many edits.)
Last edited by clayspade; May 19, 2011 at 06:37 PM.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Originally Posted by clayspade View Post
I see the seriousness of the relationship is important, one of my class liked one girl once but after 1½ months he said something VERY nasty about her. But if you ask me this one ain't stopping short if it depends on me. But I can't choose the right way yet... I need more opinions. Anyone else?

It happened to me too and you know what?, i wasted my whole year after "Her".

My studies messed up.

I suggest that you control it, there is a whole life after this waiting for you to do this.
I know, but we might get seperated along with different studies and schools. And it's not like I dream about her all the time. But good advices coming, keep it up!
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
it's one of these little crushes everyone gets , it will dissapear
that is all
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
it is
end of story
if you think it isnt then ask yourself what you like about her,then answer yourself ,and then you will have the answer to this question too
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
I hate to pretend to be old, but here comes.
1. She likes art.
2. Likes music.
3. Reads mangas.
4. Silent unlike all others who shout a lot.
5. She is beautiful as everyone proably thought to be obvious.

And my question: Do you think your posts should give me the feeling that if it's serious in the end it ain't normal?
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.