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Site going down!
Yea I heard that the site is going down. But the servers will stay. But how can I buy stuff from the torishop? I mean, It is going down next year but what happends If I dont already bought a full 128x128? And I really want one? And how am I suppost do change the items?

Hampa that was a really bad idea!
They're not closing down the site, and they're not closing down the game.
As long as the site is up, the game is up.
Plus, all of there income is from the site. They wouldn't close the site because they'd lose money.
what am i doing here
Yeah, I really don't think they would close down the site.

That would be a really, really, dumb move.
League of Legends NA: Locus
But I saw a thread where a admin (cant remember who) said the site is going down next year. But the game and the servers will stay up.
Originally Posted by 20k View Post
But I saw a thread where a admin (cant remember who) said the site is going down next year. But the game and the servers will stay up.

They were talking out their arse, nothing's going down.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you