Christmas Lottery
Original Post
user title
Come on people this we can do, we have allot of artists and this is really easy.
create a user title for vortex

155 x 20 pixels

Here's the rules

What we have. Vote for your favourite

1. Various colours
2. Various colours


8. Various colours
9. Various colours
10. Various colours



Last edited by Vandetta; Jun 13, 2011 at 09:20 AM.
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN
What do you guys think bout these, can make it any colours

Last edited by Vandetta; Jun 4, 2011 at 06:57 PM.
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN
Reserved For Some Titles xD
Will start tommorrow when I get home from school
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
Okay and for the people who are too lazy to click the link, If we make an awesome user title every one of vortex's current members will get the usertitle. Also we win points for VorteX and we win 25K. We need at least 5 artists, currently there's 2?

That said. Someone who is IRL friends with psycho would need to get in touch with him on this. He just needs to approve and pick at least 5 artists. Unless this would be my job now until someone higher than me returns?

we have just under 2 weeks for this.

Last edited by Vandetta; Jun 3, 2011 at 11:30 AM.
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN
Ok well no one knows him irl so i guess me and you are in charge. i will help with shading and stuff but thats it when lolpants gets back he'll help rickyz you and me thats 4 we need 1 more
Van you have been here long enough to ensue certian resonablities, such as this. Feel free to take charge, this is your operation. You have my word you won't get in trouble, psy won't care.
Proud Ex-Leader of VorteX
Thanks ice. and shading would be awesome ripper. We'll get 5. even if we have to force someone to make a blank user title :P.

anyways. Ripper you can take my designs and do with it as you please haha. But give your own work a try too. Later we can pic a few and just work on them to better them.
Shop + VorteX + Toribash = FUN
Originally Posted by Vandetta View Post
Thanks ice. and shading would be awesome ripper. We'll get 5. even if we have to force someone to make a blank user title :P.

anyways. Ripper you can take my designs and do with it as you please haha. But give your own work a try too. Later we can pic a few and just work on them to better them.

Not gonna lie here man i cant make my own when it comes to making staight lines on the computer im like michael j fox