Original Post
Need a clan ( SHAMED )
Age: 13
Belt/Qi (User Card): black belt
Past Clans: BladeZ
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): art, videos..........
Infraction History: 2009
A little about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): I want to join cause ur clan rocks and is a clan i can depend on to help me , my favoutite mods are lightning fighters, akido, judo, ninjutsu and samba.
Replays: idk how but i have some on youtube
why u didn't write it on "so u want to join CW"? and if my vote is important(i don't think so) i say no :P
This Picture explains my feelings at the moment perfectly when I read your Application:

1. You are to stupid to read that there is an Application thread.
2. The reason why you want to join is stupid.
3. You donīt speak proper english.
4.You didnīt post any examples of your work , videos , replays.
5. You are an Smiley spamming fag ... good replays )TEO your favorite satanist