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Lucid Dreaming
I recently became interested in the ability to have Lucid Dreams.

"Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are awake whilst you are still within your dream. It is an experience like no other. The ability to have a lucid dream can be taught. It comes naturally to some people whilst others have to work at it. But you CAN learn how to lucid dream."

I had my first LD last night, and it might have just been the most exhilarating feeling I've ever had. I was actually able to CONTROL my dream and have whatever I wanted happen, and I remembered it vividly after I had woken up. There are many books and websites dedicated to the sole purpose of explaining what a lucid dream is, and the techniques one can use to have one.
I was just wondering if anyone had ever had a LD (without knowing exactly what it was) or if someone had heard of it and is now a master of it.

Here are some links to read up on it if you wish:
To be completly honest I have expierenced a couple of these "Lucid Dreams" except I never never that they have a specific name. The only things I can remember having one of these was when I was a little kid watching scary movies, I was "into" the Freddy Crugar movies so I was scared of dieing in my dreams so I would make it seem that I was an ally of his. The most recent one I can remember after watching a movie called the Grudge. I can't go into detail about it because it's a bit blurry. but it is pretty interesting I'll look into controlling this.
I thought i have always been able to weakly control my dream, when i realize im dreaming. Although its really annoying, because I think of like "Watch this not work" and then i can't do anything because i second guessed myself. It would be cool to have complete control, and complete memory of it.
Well there are multiple techniques on how to have a LD, and how to remember it vividly.
There are also techniques on how to better control it and how to make it last longer.
There's a device for it too

It's a set of glasses with dim red blinking LEDs on them that turn on when the glasses detect REM sleep. It's just barely stimulating enough to bring your mind to an aware state without waking you up.
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Originally Posted by EspnzAlvr View Post
Do you use that?

No, I just read about it

I've managed to have only 2 lucid dreams, both within the last year I think
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