Ok no problem it is to the clan video just if you wanna be part of it =P
Originally Posted by dud3aznftw
Wow. your first page is amazing just wow. lol would you guys lke to be allies with NYAN? not your average ninja's? i am the co leader of that clan and i would like to grant you good luck on becoming offical!
yep add us to your clan allies =D
Last edited by PsYBanK; Jul 19, 2011 at 12:59 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
LMY : Hello i am the clan leader If your application does not respond with a yes or no, is not for the next post so often because you're not even a clan member ; i Say Yes Welcome!
Dark : Pone orden el men no puede postiar tan seguido si no di mi Si no me agrada y estoy con un no pero como veo que te agrada Yes a ya lo sacaste a mecha de la lista?necesitamos otro co leader.
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.