View Poll Results: Change Name clan.
11 Votes / 37.93%
9 Votes / 31.03%
5 Votes / 17.24%
4 Votes / 13.79%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll
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Holas clan volvi de dormir . Estoy comerciando aburrido y como siempre con lag xD
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.

El mejor clan en "clan warr" aveces perdemos, pero el la revancha nos va bien. Perdón por mi inactividad estos últimos días, es que me llevo materias y las rindo ahora en la tercera semana de las vacaciones de invierno y estoy estudiando todos los días. Me meto al foro cuando puedo.
The best clan in "clan Warren" sometimes we lose, but revenge is going well. Sorry for my inactivity in recent days, I took matters and give up now in the third week of winter break and I'm studying every day. I go to the forum when I can.
lost a clan war but we are very well ranked
Chus : Jaja yo tambien tengo que rendir estudia!
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.

not luck we won 6-3 and it wasnt easy
well both clans played well so good game
we are requesting clan allies
Originally Posted by BlackDemon View Post
not luck we won 6-3 and it wasnt easy
well both clans played well so good game
we are requesting clan allies

I won for my luck, one will win by many points and broke my right buttock
and the other was a mine fail but I had fun good war
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.