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People leaving just before match ends
I know it has been said but I am getting so sick of this. In 4 matches, 3 of them just left right before I beat them!


This is getting ridiculous there should be something that can be done about these guys. I don't like to complain but this is becoming a worse and worse problem.
yep, happens to me atleast once everyday.. once 4 times in a row...
my tip: stay away from popular servers and stay in clan or well known servers
This should be an instant ban. Not permanant, but a couple of days. Or maybe on the second time they get caught it's a ban. Whatever, there needs to be a real punishment for this. People do it too often.
if someone leaves as your just about to win there should be some auto-ban thing for an hour or something if it was because the other guy selected to quit

EDIT: nepo beat me to it :/
Jim thats a little harsh....sometimes youre internet goes out or something. If you do it twice in 10 minutes, you get a 30 minute ban. That's what I would say.
The game already makes a distinction between quits due to connection failiure and those due to leaving.
There's already a thread in Suggestions about such a feature. Wouldn't be difficult to implement.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Originally Posted by hidingwarior View Post
Jim thats a little harsh....sometimes youre internet goes out or something. If you do it twice in 10 minutes, you get a 30 minute ban. That's what I would say.

i did say if it was because the other guy actually selected to quit :P so i could just go and do that now once and it would be okay no :P
i agree with you but maybe in a middle of a match when there winning losing or drawing people have to go for various reasons
Glad to be back.