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How do YOU wake up on time?
For work, school, stuff, and etc, how do you wake up on time?

For me, it's luck if I wake up on time. I set 3 alarms on my phone and put it across the room so that I'll have to get up and walk over and back in order to turn it off. If my subconscious isn't being a troll I'll wake up, but more than likely my subconscious will take over and I'll wake up 3 hours later with every alarm turned off, and no memory of such events at all. I get up right away though, if someone else awakes me. Sadly I have to leave before everyone during school, so that doesn't work :P
A Mr. Bean style alarm clock, with no snooze button. Just a loaded gun across the room. The sound of the gun is loud enough to scare me awake, and the effort to get it is enough to make my subconscious my bitch.

Fo rizzow: I use a regular alarm clock, nothing too special.
my mom wakes me up, OR when she aint home. my bro pulls me out of bed throws me to the ground drags me down the stairs till im wide awake
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Currently I haven't figured out a good method for me waking up in the morning. I'm always late and alarm clocks really don't work for me since I'm a heavy sleeper, so whenever I go to bed pretty much determines when I wake up in the morning. So I have to be careful about late nights most times.
I use an alarm clock but usually that isn't enough due to how easy it is to turn off. I'm usually still mostly asleep and just turn it off and sleep on. Therefore I employed my phone to have an alarm too so that I have to actually think to turn it off.
I almost can't, sadly. Same as Sunny I have to be careful about late nights since I always wake up and turn off the clock and then go back to sleep or lay on bed "for just five minutes".