[B] American Psycho Av+Sig
Alright, I would like to request an American Psycho avatar and sig. Feel free to use one of the images down below or perhaps another online if you think it'd suit it better. I'm willing to pay
18K initially, but I will throw in up to another
12K if I really like the avatar and signature. I will also through in an extra
2K for a background, however it's quite optional.
Avatar: Either 100x150 or 150x150
Signature: (400-650)x(70-90)
Description: Try to keep the Av+Sig dark and grunge. I would really like the Psychopath theme highlighted, but from a more professional standpoint. When I say professional, I mean to say that I'd prefer it to highlight the more manipulative side, rather than the killing. Now, try to stick to a black and white color scheme, although if you think you can make a purple color scheme work, then go for it (favorite color). Please put the name "Rapp" in the signature. I'll give you my thoughts and so fourth with the WIP's. If you need any other information, feel free to leave a message. Thanks.