Original Post
Halomon360's Permanent Replay Thread
hi halomon is currently banned for 3 months do i am his alt i have a relpay here it is

C&C would be apreiceated
hey how the word currently turn red
oh come on can someone rate?
Attached Files
Halo - head to head.rpl (93.3 KB, 28 views)
Last edited by P1GB0Y; Aug 21, 2011 at 01:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
LOL i got no sig
so i heard ppl only rate good replays...
here is a new one it has keyframes but they make it more hard to see
Attached Files
Halo - chaos.rpl (95.1 KB, 14 views)
LOL i got no sig
2 new replays...
can some1 pls rate this for me?
Attached Files
Halo - living the dream.rpl (186.8 KB, 24 views)
Halo - Good advice.rpl (69.1 KB, 24 views)
Last edited by P1GB0Y; Aug 22, 2011 at 08:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
LOL i got no sig
Living the dream - I don't rate joke replays. I just rate serious ones. 1/10 too be honset Even if i would rate it, it remeinded me of what I used to do. And i hate whenever i remember things like that.

Good Advice - The boom was a very simple one. in fact im pretty sure thats in the Advance Moves section in fight school. anyways the boom was very stiff. The pose was nice tohugh. 3.5/10
Backstabber-Stealing replays wont do you any good.
BOOM-Its just DUMB.
previously known as Lopsin
If you're going to accuse someone of stealing a replay, proof that the replay is stolen would be a good start.