Original Post
Replays for clan video

I need your best replays for a sick clan video...

Here are the rules...

-I need at least 4 replays per member (if you happen to have very quick matches I may ask for 5)
-Multiplayer matches are a must (this video will show case us as a clan of savage player)
-I will accept 1 single play replay per member (as your intro piece to your spot in the video)
-Emoting during match is fine (I can, and will take them out via /opt hud) [I also don't record sounds from the match]
-Any mod will do (just make sure it's nothing too crazy please)
-I also need 1 headspin replay from as many people as I can get. (I'm making a head spin section in the video)
-And make sure they are your best replays (this video is to show case our many skills and talents as a clan)
-Please don't Key Frame your replay before giving it to me... I will do the Key Framing when I screen capture it...
- and lastly, make sure that the replays you are giving me are your replays. (I don't want to find out that you used a replay belonging to someone else)

Alright people, get on it... I need these replays... I'll let this post go for 3 weeks before I close it (maybe longer), so get 'em in A.S.A.P. but don't rush yourself... I want this video to be great...

Post your best replays on this thread...

Thank you all, this should be fun!

If your name is listed below, I have your replays.
Last edited by MerCulies; Sep 18, 2011 at 02:27 PM. Reason: New rule
Bertimus (MerCulies) Prime
merculies im ignoring that thing about non-replay posts now. but make sure to check the old clan vid thread for the stuff you should fit in it..
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
You are right... sorry, i was just trying to keep it a lil more organized...

and yeah i was checking out the older thread... there are some good ones in there... but too many single player replays... I would like to have only 1 single player replay per member as their introduction piece... each player will have the one single player intro (with their name rolling on the bottom of the screen), and 3 multiplayer matches following in the clan video... I will be taking out the HUD [scores and times, as well as any text from my Key Framing]
Bertimus (MerCulies) Prime
Dont use my replays , i will post a new batch . Now this video has high expectations so you have to use fraps, bezcam , and a program like sony vegas . Take your time doing this , there is no quick dead line .

There will be a dance intro at the beginning that shows all hunters ( read previous clan vid thread for details ). Do you have the skills to create this type of intro ? I will send you a "time frame" layout the vid . It will help with the overall look of the video . so lets start brainstorming !

Now all Hunters need to post there replays "ASAP" so we can complete this. We still need a dance replay for the intro . I will atempt it but others are welcome to try ( use a blank mod like classic.tbm). I'll try to post the replay as quick as possible so we can start .

So in the mean time , i guess you can start with the intro before the replays . Be sure to add in "Hunters Productions " in some kind of creative way . Good luck!
Last edited by TRichard21; Sep 16, 2011 at 12:56 AM.
I'll be putting "Hunters Productions", but I will also be putting my companies name on the video too, "Lifted Legion Productions", this will also help my company out.

As for the intro dance, i'll try to make one, but everyone else is welcome to make their own...

I was expecting you to post new replays anyways... I'm sure you've got some newer ones that would be great...

And we'll see how long it takes for everyone to post their replays... I said i'll be closing this in 3 weeks, but if it takes longer then that it's cool... I just post that there so i can try to get people on it... yadda mean.?

Anywho... hit it up people... this should be great
Bertimus (MerCulies) Prime
I like 'em, the second one could be better (but i'll work)... I love the teabag in the first one, classic... And your single player (intro piece) looks great...

Good job PuReDeVil
Oh and guys... I found out how to turn the shaders on and the HUD off (which rid me of emotes and after match text aswell).... so this video just got a lot sicker!!!

I think you guys are going to like this...
Last edited by MerCulies; Sep 16, 2011 at 06:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Bertimus (MerCulies) Prime
@PuReDeVil If you think you could bring a better one to the table by all means do so... But the ones you've provided will do nicely... (if you do feel the need to at least show me a couple more as "replacements" go for it bro)

@bluepheonix... I need only 1 single player replay... and try to get multiplayer matches not on overpass, and where you actually fight... I'll take your headspin replay as your single player intro piece tho... try to find some better ones for the other three please, and thank you...
Bertimus (MerCulies) Prime