Original Post
[B] 512x512 texture items
Im looking for some 512x512 texture items pieces at good price for get my full 512x512
what I Have:
512x512 Ground Texture
512x512 head texture
512x512 Left Bicep Texture
512x512 Left Foot Texture
512x512 Right Bicep Texture
512x512 Right Foot Texture

512x512 Left Tricep Texture
what i need:
512x512 Breast Texture
512x512 Chest Texture
512x512 Groin Texture
512x512 Left Hand Texture
512x512 Left Leg Texture
512x512 Left Pec Texture
512x512 Left Thigh Texture
Got it for 11 k
512x512 Right Hand Texture
512x512 Right Leg Texture
512x512 Right Pec Texture
512x512 Right Thigh Texture
512x512 Right Tricep Texture
512x512 Stomach Texture

Im willing to pay TC or even trade. (which can be really good for you guys like alpha imperial force for 3 pieces and such)
Last edited by Chikin; Sep 24, 2011 at 04:28 AM.
go lower... im not willing to pay almost the same price In the shop. Whit items i can also exceed a bit with a trade.. but since I have only 113k and i miss 14 items im looking for better prices than just 7% of discount