Original Post
Tessh- New replays! (finely)
my new thread!
First one!
Attached Files
#T What I don't become.rpl (278.0 KB, 39 views)
System Of a Down [Extreme]|LOP|RSO|MoA Dontclickhere!
it seemed you didnt get much speed
it is ok
i like the second hit
your pose was pretty good
to wrape it up you get a sweet 8/10
Swexxelite:your good at destroying uke
Huggys: thank you
I have 19 views on my replays here.... but just hugg coment........
I don't understand..... why no one coment?
System Of a Down [Extreme]|LOP|RSO|MoA Dontclickhere!
Well, the opener had some potential but from the 730 frame you made it look random and stiff ;/

The split was also bad, you had basically no control and aim. Hit with the foot block not the thighs. I would re-edit it if I were you ^^
OKAY zal.
trying now!
will post the replay if I get it!
a freerun.
The modis pigrun.tbm

Attached Files
#Mega freeeerun.rpl (380.1 KB, 23 views)
pigrun.tbm (2.6 KB, 13 views)
System Of a Down [Extreme]|LOP|RSO|MoA Dontclickhere!
you do good on the jumping over walls part but every thing else isnt that good
dont know a rating but it is pretty good
Swexxelite:your good at destroying uke
Huggys: thank you
Your arms are kinda stiff each flip, and you start to twitch around in the second one. I didn't like the pose in both of them. They looked kinda stiff to me. The flow in between your flips were good, but try to do some other things besides just backflips and handsprings. It gets rather boring with someone doing the same thing over and over.

Overall a 7/10 It was good, but I got bored soon after. I'd like to see more from you, and maybe something even better ;]