Original Post
Hello dear ladies and gentlemen of our monumental game called Toribash.
My name is David. I am 13 years old, living here in Miami. And I've been through this application humildíssima to ask permission to participate in this great clan. I would be quite happy if I could enter.
What I have to offer to the clan? In addition to my mood and my common sense: my desire to learn. Yes, that's what you read, dear reader. I Can not have a high range, but she's growing fast, and of course, soon I will be someone worthy of respect in this community toribashers.
/invade DON'T let him in. ALL of his posts are just that app for different clans in the past few minutes.
previously known as Lopsin
Thanks for the heads up.
But truth be told, we wouldn't, anyway.

You can have him!
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad

this guy seems legit
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
LOL I am laughing cause I made the same mistake as a yellow belt when I applied for [Parrot], oh god was I a dumbfuck XD
<Bubbyzane> As a 16 year old, Canadian, cKy fan, and a gamer, I can honestly say I know the exact definition of cool.
What would this be classified as?Trolling?Either way it just ain't right.
I am not serious (most of the time).If I were,I wouldn't talk like this would I? And yes,I confess I think Kat is awesome.
Originally Posted by davidbr13 View Post
Hello dear ladies and gentlemen of our monumental game called Toribash.
My name is trollface.jpg. I am some odd number of years old, living here in Mee-ah-meee. And I've been through this application humildíssima to ask permission to participate in this great clan. I would be quite happy if I could enter.
What I have to offer to the clan? In addition to my mood and my common sense: my desire to learn. Yes, that's what you read, dear reader. I Can not have a high range, but she's growing fast, and of course, soon I will be someone worthy of respect in this community toribashers.

Herm......well... I've thoroughly read through your application andddddddd

I noticed you posted this exact same application in over 4 different clan threads. so it's a no from me.

Also a tip, get to know a clan before you just slap an application in front of them. (owait i didn't do that)



EDIT: David i love your new siggy
Last edited by Radi0; Oct 17, 2011 at 01:00 AM.