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How does Ranking System Work?
Hey, simple question: How does the Toribash Ranking-System work?
I don't really get why i am rank 30.000-ish yesterday and around rank 5000 today.
The lower your rank number, the better it is and the higher it is, the more you suck.

The number increases after you lose a match and decreases after you win a match.
It gives you your rank depending on your ratio. Your ratio is a win/lose ratio.

Example: My ratio is about 68%, so I'm rank 35. If your ratio is low then you have a bad/high rank. If you have a high ratio then you have a good/low rank.

Edit: Akmal, you ninja.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

what those people said is wrong.

The ranking system is based on the chess ELO rating system. that basically means, everyone started at 1600 and the better player you beat the more your ELO goes up (rank)

so say you 1601.53 and you beat someone with a 1645.12 your ELO will go up a lot more than beating a 1602.01

Your rank changed so much over night because it was updating all your wins, and everyone else's

rank is based on your ELO 1708.99 ELO will probably make you top 10 players. Don't rely on rank so much
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Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
what those people said is wrong.

Not wrong. Just simpler. I basically said that same thing without Elo part as it will confuse the new dude.
Originally Posted by ikyo View Post
Do you guys mean that, high rank good player, low rank not so good player??

I request that you read what both dropkick and akmal said.

Read the thread before you post.