Original Post
I went out fishing yesterday, i forgot to get SunBlock, well, i got a bad bad case of sunburn on my arms, its taking me forever to type this sentence, my arms are allways having to be raised in the air.

Have you ever had SunBurn? Were on your body? and were and why did you get it?

Aff you hack

Lucky me, i almost never get sunburnt
Did get it a few times on my arm(s) though. Does NOT feel pleasant :|
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Im allergic to the sun
No joke if i'm out in the sun for more than an hour my arms will break out in bumps and itch and ill get sunburned really bad.
i got it on my shoulders and i liek poking it and watching it become white then red

me is messed up in da head <.<

omg taht rymed
yeah hes right ^ ^ ^

i got sunburn on a (boyscout) rafting trip last week on my legs... OUCH

boyscouts is evil...
Now with 100% less angst
Last summer, I didn't put Sun Tan Lotion one single time and I didn't get burnt.

This year, I will sure put some to previne it and previne other effects.