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Thoughts on the Meteor passing
Well a couple days ago a meteor passed in between the Earth's, and Moon's orbit. Scientists say it was about the size of a city block and it had no chance of hitting us in the first place.

Tell me what you think about this!

I personally am thankful to be alive. A meteor that is the size of a city block could level a city, or a state depending on its velocity.
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DarkWalk - Maddrummer Studios
Before 3 Years a meteor Passed Almost outside the earth atmosphere it was so close to earth That I seen it in the sky It Was A Huge Flaming Green Rock.Many Meteors pass near earth all the time but the will never touch our atmosphere or they wont even touch the earth ground.After a meteor enter our atmosphere it breaks thanks to earth's gravity and until it touches the ground it becames a small rock even sand.So Dont worry about that
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Originally Posted by DarkWalk View Post
Well a couple days ago a meteor passed in between the Earth's, and Moon's orbit. Scientists say it was about the size of a city block and it had no chance of hitting us in the first place.

Tell me what you think about this!

I personally am thankful to be alive. A meteor that is the size of a city block could level a city, or a state depending on its velocity.

Nuff bolded.

And second of all, google up what's a meteor and what is an asteroid.

Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
Meh. It missed us, so it's no big deal.

Pretty much.

Originally Posted by PlayerID57 View Post
Meteor Passing?
Can you post any valuable information, or sources?

If you didn't know about this and instead you watched Jersey Shore, you're everything wrong in this world.

Jk, but seriously, follow the world's events. And of course it's always good to cite your sources.

Originally Posted by BlackOpsMan33 View Post
it passed within 201,000 miles of us. that is really close, ya know!

It still visited closer to us than the moon, which is closer than most asteroids.

Originally Posted by tertywerty View Post
So we all almost died

Big deal

I sense a sarcastic tone in your post, but FYI we didn't have a realistic chance of it hitting us.

Originally Posted by BlackOpsMan33 View Post
XD it was still far away. it was out of the gravitational pull of earth, so it couldnt hit

Between every particle with mass there is a gravitational attraction. Just in this case the overall energy of the particle (E=mc^2), e.g mass and velocity, weren't sufficient for the asteroid having been captured to orbit us, even though it passed us from nearer than the moon, as mentioned above. Gravity does not really play a part in asteroid collisions, since if an asteroid with enough energy is actually headed anywhere near to our location but not towards us, it would a) be captured by our near-to-center-stronger gravitational attraction field IF it had low enough mass and velocity for it to be attracted to us from a rather far away distance, but an asteroid this small (in energy) would vaporize before it could do any damage b) go straight past us due to more energy per unit of mass which causes earth's gravity to pull the asteroid less.

Originally Posted by KillTheCook View Post
Before 3 Years a meteor Passed Almost outside the earth atmosphere it was so close to earth That I seen it in the sky It Was A Huge Flaming Green Rock.Many Meteors pass near earth all the time but the will never touch our atmosphere or they wont even touch the earth ground.After a meteor enter our atmosphere it breaks thanks to earth's gravity and until it touches the ground it becames a small rock even sand.So Dont worry about that

Stop typing like that; It looks retarded.

Look up the definition of a meteor.

Meteor does not "break" thanks to earth's gravity. Air friction plays the crucial part which does not happen in space, but gravity makes the asteroid burn up somewhat faster. As the asteroid nears the Earth and enters the atmosphere the force G, acceleration due gravity, creates a stronger friction on the surface of the asteroid, mostly due to Newton's first and third laws.

To point out the main flaw in your text (and some others') is that meteor in itself means an object which enters the earth's atmosphere. We called this object which passed the Earth and asteroid because it did not hit us.

Originally Posted by hans11 View Post
It wouldn't have been the first time we almost died... therefore i am not too worried about it.

We did not almost die, it was not realistically possible for the asteroid to hit us. It was probably more likely for you to have a heart attack and die. When the scientists get worried, you should too. Merely mentioning the words 'asteroid' and 'earth' should not evoke fear.
Last edited by Jire; Nov 12, 2011 at 09:50 PM.
Originally Posted by KillTheCook View Post
Before 3 Years a meteor Passed Almost outside the earth atmosphere it was so close to earth That I seen it in the sky It Was A Huge Flaming Green Rock.Many Meteors pass near earth all the time but the will never touch our atmosphere or they wont even touch the earth ground.After a meteor enter our atmosphere it breaks thanks to earth's gravity and until it touches the ground it becames a small rock even sand.So Dont worry about that

Actually a meteor of that size wouldn't break in our atmosphere. Usually what breaks in our atmosphere is a comet and it doesn't even break it melts because comets are made of ice. A meteor won't melt because its made of rock, iron, and nickel. A big flaming ball of iron at that size while, not nearly big enough to destroy the earth, is still large enough to cause quite a bit of damage. If that hit the ocean its big and hot enough to flash boil Billions of gallons of water. Whereas your average public pool has a couple thousand. Billions of gallons of water that's instant Boiling water Tidal wave. Which is in fact quite dangerous.

Nevertheless it didn't hit the earth and scientists say there is a 1 in 1000 chance of that other asteroid hitting us in 2182 but I wouldn't be worried about that because by that time The Singularity will have occurred. Aaaaah sweet magical science.
Last edited by floop78; Nov 12, 2011 at 09:52 PM.
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