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Metal Gear Solid: Rising
The Metal Gear Solid series has always allowed players to stealthily make their way through the games without killing a single fool. The upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising will continue this proud tradition when it is released next year. At Gamescom today Konami confirmed that we'll be able to slice our way to the end of Rising without killing a single human.

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It will be released on 2012.

I'm actually a huge MGS fan .
They made Raiden so cool in Mgs4 but they taked the contoller from you.
I'm really excited about this game , what do you guys think?

Edit :

Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
I'd like to point out that the title is now "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance".
It's subtitle is "Lightning Bolt Action".

The game isn't supposed to be like Metal Gear Solid. Thus they have no need to stick to the tradition of the "Tactical Espionage Action" subtitle as we have seen in all of Snake's games.

HOWEVER, the game is now being developed by Platinum Studios, not Kojima Productions so my expectations for the game have plummeted. The game itself has now been ostracized from the Metal Gear Solid series.
Feel free to shout "HAH!" now.

Last edited by Chuck; Dec 30, 2011 at 07:22 PM.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Well i'm looking forward to it, but i'd be interested how they're going to make it possible to KO enemies rather than killing them in a game based around manipulating a blade and tearing cybernetic parts from your enemies.
THAT SLASHING SYSTEM IS OVERPOWERED LOOKING BUT EPIC! Now I can choose how to slice my opponant, cutting off his hands and legs seems appropriate
It isn't overpowered, You're pretty much Grey Fox but younger and Grey Fox is just about the most bad ass guy in games.
From what I've seen, it seems a bit like Bayonetta. I'll follow this game to see if it's worth my time/money.
I'd like to point out that the title is now "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance".
It's subtitle is "Lightning Bolt Action".

The game isn't supposed to be like Metal Gear Solid. Thus they have no need to stick to the tradition of the "Tactical Espionage Action" subtitle as we have seen in all of Snake's games.

HOWEVER, the game is now being developed by Platinum Studios, not Kojima Productions so my expectations for the game have plummeted. The game itself has now been ostracized from the Metal Gear Solid series.
Feel free to shout "HAH!" now.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
I'd like to point out that the title is now "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance".
It's subtitle is "Lightning Bolt Action".

The game isn't supposed to be like Metal Gear Solid. Thus they have no need to stick to the tradition of the "Tactical Espionage Action" subtitle as we have seen in all of Snake's games.

HOWEVER, the game is now being developed by Platinum Studios, not Kojima Productions so my expectations for the game have plummeted. The game itself has now been ostracized from the Metal Gear Solid series.
Feel free to shout "HAH!" now.

Well... It could always be part of the Metal Gear Solid series, just this bitch prefers the I SLASH SHIT UP approach instead of the sneaky approach :S
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Well... It could always be part of the Metal Gear Solid series, just this bitch prefers the I SLASH SHIT UP approach instead of the sneaky approach :S

No, the time the game has set in has moved to many years after MGS4, so that if Platinum screws up and makes a shitty story/game then Kojima doesn't care because it's only a spin-off and won't have an effect on MGS.

Not to say I won't get the game if it looks promising enough, it's just i'd like a certain element of stealth to be present.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
No, the time the game has set in has moved to many years after MGS4, so that if Platinum screws up and makes a shitty story/game then Kojima doesn't care because it's only a spin-off and won't have an effect on MGS.

Not to say I won't get the game if it looks promising enough, it's just i'd like a certain element of stealth to be present.

True, it would be fun if you can slash stuff up like that but you can only take a bullet or 2 to your body before you die, then attempting to kill 4-5 people with ur badassness wouldn't really look like a good or even a possible thing :S