What date is your birthday? How old are you? And most of all, What is your real name?
Just post here and I will add you name, age and your birthday.
Birth: 10/17/1997
Age: 14
Birth: 11/21/94
Age: 17
Name: Aitor
BirthDay: 17th of august year 1991
Age: 20
Name: PlayerID57
DirthBay: 19/07/1996
Age: 15
Name: Francisco
BirthDay: 30th October 1995.
Age: 16.
Name: Ethan.
BirthDay: 04/07/96
Age: 15
Name: Miles
BirthDay: 14/9/1997
Age: 14
Name: Orfeas
01/03/1996-Born around 7:00
BD: 3rd June 1994
Age 16
Name: Zayan
DB: 21/06/1995
Age: 16
Name: Ramón
Last edited by bambam2601; Dec 17, 2011 at 08:23 AM.