Original Post
Hullo, all!
Hi guys! It's [NoV]Fishbulb (currently known as NoVFshbulb ingame)! I hail from the Novocaine community.

I stumbled upon this game a few days ago when someone posted about it in my community's forums, and I must say.. It is truly a work of art in the gaming world. >=)

I started playing two days ago under the name "Fishbulb", thinking that this would simply be a passing thing.. but since then, I've progressively become more addicted. heh heh.

I've gotten quite a few of my fellow community members into the game (NoVAustin, RegJohnson, Lancelot0, NoVJeebus to name a few) and they're enjoying it just as much as I am.

So I'm thinking you might see more of the Novocaine community in the not-too-distant future. I'm not sure how one would go about acquiring a TB server, other than paying a buttload of credits.. We have the resources to host any server we might need, but from what I see, that's not the issue.

One question I'd like to ask though.. How would one go about getting an admin/dev/whomever to change their name? I'd very much like to have my full handle, Fishbulb, with my [NoV] tag infront.. But I'm not sure if stuff like that is reserved for the "official" clans. *shrug* I have a lot to learn about the commnity, yet.

But it is kinda nice to see that all of the game developers and admins and whatnot are close to the community. Makes a nice, tight-knit atmosphere, y'know?

Anywhoo, a bit about my community. We're called Novocaine (, we've been around for quite awhile (years.).. we're a multigaming community, but we primarily focus on San Andreas Multiplayer (SAMP), in which we have a 200-slot official (developer endorsed) server, with an average of 85+ people on it at any given time. Our website gets tens of thousands of hits daily, we're up in the millions in total. We have nearly 5000 registered users on the forum with a total of 45 users browsing at this moment (28 of whom are registered and browsing the forums ;))

Anyway. I'll stop bragging.

Thanks for reading my hello post, if you bothered. I'll see you ingame. >=)

Long first post needs a long reply, but I'm too lazy to do that and I have nothing to rant about.

I'll settle with welcoming you to the TB forums instead.

Have fun and good luck.

EDIT- Also, this forum lacks a welcoming board. :/

Regarding tags, all you have to do when you log in is to put your tag before your username like this:
[NoV]NoVFshbulb (You might wanna mail regarding namechanges) and login like you would normally. Doesn't work on the forums though, only in-game, duh.
Last edited by Chronos; Jul 9, 2008 at 07:51 PM.
Why, hello, there.

Yeah, tell new Novocaine members to register with their normal handle.

After you're registered like that, you can put the [Nov] tag in front of your nick when logging in.

People with red names can change your name for you, if you ask nicely, and maybe pay some toricredits.
Thanks for the warm, loving, fuzzy welcomes! haha.

I guess I've made a terrible mistake, then.. I made my original account, just called "Fishbulb".. I got up a few belt levels and amassed a whopping 185 (gasp!) credits.. Then I decided I wanted to have my NoV tag on, so I made a new account and started from scratch. That new account now has a bunch of new items (gradients, trails, etc) and a bunch of credits.

so if I were to change my name and retain all of my nice stuff, an admin would have to delete "Fishbulb" and then rename "NoVFshbulb" to "Fishbulb".. which is a giant pain in the butt. ohhh wells.
Or, you could just send your items to your old account and request an admin to delete NoVFshbulb. If you have nothing against losing your Qi that is, but seeing as you've only played for a few days I doubt you've amassed any considerable amount.

Qi refers to games/matches played, if you didn't know.
Tip: go to, set it up the way you want, and put it up on the Novocaine forums, if your forum rules allow it. Every click on that link will give you 30 tc, as long as it's from different IP's (I think)

I and my fellow toribashians welcome you to this wonderful game.

Tip:Add on Tip: if someone signs up using that link said above, you get i think 100 tc!
Welcome to the community,

please do not ask people to leave becuase they will think you are farming.
(please dont ask me what farming is). make sure to read the rules
becuase admins are getting though. And check out the tutorial section here.