Original Post
Upcoming 10th
Hey hey im getting my 10th today i ahve 12 matches left and am swinging in server 38 feel free to come and my last match is reserved for the one and only delfag :>

I've had 1 server
been clan founder and leader of Triforce for about 13 months
Have been TA twice sucsessfully
2500 or so posts
Never bought a booster and only bought 10k tc
EARNED all my qi
max tc i've EVER had was 55k D;
oldschoolz here
lost about 3950 qi regained about 3500 of it


12 matches left btw
don't have the pass to my own server <.< i had auto auth and didn't need it when i was TA. i say we all move to TK?
that super badass that you have never had a booster and only bough 10k, and almost 10th, that got to be a big acheivment
Nice event you got here, rather pointless too, moving to discussion.

also woah man I got 10dan around a year ago and havent bought anything apart from a reg key
Last edited by Zaarock; Jul 11, 2008 at 07:33 PM.