number of accounts created 1.5mil (or higher or lower didn't check)
number of alts 1.4 mill
number of users 100,000
number of noobs that don't know about forums 85,000
number of russians who only post in their private boards 1000
number of forum inactive users who quit the game 2000
numbers of forum users who only post in private boards or barely ever post 5,000
number of dumb posters 3,000
number of people who market and nothing else 2,000
number of people who don't post more than 10 posts a week 1,000
number of normal people who post on a daily basis 1,000
number of people normally online at any given time 200
thats your problem. there are about 200 people online at a time and 80% of those people play in game away from the forums. in the olden days with a smaller community of like 10,000 people who were active and always on who knew about the forum and in game that had boosted the activity so much more than now just a bunch of in game non-forum users.
Last edited by DropKick; Apr 3, 2012 at 06:12 PM.