Original Post
Clan Discussion Rules (single ally and good luck posts are still banned)
Things to keep in mind...
  1. When making your DSC, keep it original. Don't copy other people's work, otherwise you wont get anywhere.
  2. Be polite and respectful when replying to posts. If you have problems with invaders you can contact a clan admin.
  3. Clan wars are a competition. Nothing to do with hate. Play nice.

Basic rules which you are expected to follow...
  1. Backseat moderators will be punished if they inappropriately intrude, say anything misleading or get anything wrong.
  2. Do not flood threads with obnoxious posts such as, ally requests, banner offers or 'good luck' posts. Make use of the private message system if you have to.
  3. You are not allowed to require a certain number of posts from users to enter your clan.

If you want to keep your clan board, or become an official clan you must keep to these laws...
  1. No mature or inappropriate content is to be posted within any clan.
  2. Maintain a decent post quality. The council will simply vote no if you can't even put together a quality post.
and last of all, rules for game or spammy threads
  1. No excessive posting. If you have to post every minute, get an IRC channel.
  2. Do not allow threads to become full of one word or otherwise useless posts.
  3. Restrict how many you have open simultaneously. You don't want a board full of spam threads. This is enough reason for your clan to be removed.

If you keep to these rules you have our blessing. Fail to do this and we have a wide range of fun things to do to you, whether it be the removal of moderator rights, to the removal of entire clans or just simple bans.

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< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Originally Posted by Meowkitty View Post
I agree i was not aware of this and was banned. I would at least like a reason why you would ban for a harmless ally request?
jmoze btw

Because it's a waste of space, looks stupid, and we really, really, really want people to stop doing it on the forums.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Posting single enemy or ally requests is now illegal. Do this with PMs, IRC or ingame instead.

Same goes for 'good luck' posts.

This is still in effect guys, really.

You can do this anywhere you want except in a clan thread, so don't do it in a clan thread. Thank you.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
You can do this anywhere you want except in a clan thread, so don't do it in a clan thread. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Do this with PMs, IRC or ingame instead.

Can you still request via PM?
Last edited by Fish; Aug 16, 2012 at 09:39 PM. Reason: ?????????????????????????????????????????
"You can do this anywhere you want except in a clan thread, so don't do it in a clan thread. Thank you."

I would say that means yes.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
For those who aren't aware, repeatedly posting the same message in random threads is obnoxious. If you think you absolutely have to post
"hi!!! how are you?"
every day and ignore the replies, then perhaps you should try IRC.

On that note, if you want to make an offer to help a clan, you need to at least read that clan's thread and know something about it.
Last edited by Fish; Sep 14, 2012 at 02:26 AM.
When is god names was single ally requests made into a retarded rule for getting banned. I mean what I cannot single ally with friends thats such bullcrap.