Hey i made a mod for TTF and its waiting for approvil,its like a entrance to my next mod i make(TTF Temple) ok in it is a type of weird building structure and it has steps for us to throw or kick uke/challengers down but then there is another floor were you can just like have anymod on (wushu,KB,tk etc.) and its nice and high too then there is like a Bassment sorta were you can grip the celing and kicks each other,and yeah it has this support thats instagib so if your skilled enough at single player you would be able to throw uke right into it (i have) so yeah heres the link for the waiting to be approved list,just scroll down and look for TTF-Arena and click on it then save it in you mod file,Also it has pillars in the colors of the leaders (Red,Black,light blue,green/acid)
and the platform floors are purple to represent PorcupineJim as our ''foundation''
ps:does a mod need to be approved before it can be used online?