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Creating a show
So for a while I have been wanting to create a video game as a profession. So, to enhance my video/drawing skills, I am planning on creating an anime series. However, I'm in a rut as to what programs to use and the story line. I am planning to use Vectorian Giotto for animation, Gimp for drawings, and Ableton Live for music and sound effects. It will be a one man team by me doing all this except the voices which my friends can do. So give me your opinions about this topic. Story and animation/sound-wise.
Last edited by bbush; Sep 21, 2012 at 03:05 AM.
Originally Posted by bbush View Post
So for a while I have been wanting to create a video game as a profession. So, to enhance my video/drawing skills, I am planning on creating an anime series. However, I'm in a rut as to what programs to use and the story line. I am planning to use Vectorian Giotto for animation, Gimp for drawings, and Ableton Live for music and sound effects. It will be a one man team by me doing all this except the voices which my friends can do. So give me your opinions about this topic. Story and animation/sound-wise.

Your not the only one who wants to do this. I myself want to do this but I was waiting for some more experince and for me to crop more relationships. Your appaorch on it is almost like a neanderthal but I do like your ambition. As far as a story for some reason what sells really well is the FPS or the 3rd person over the shoulder style view. As far as story something that doesn't involve too much thinking :/ Society hates games like that now adays...
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
As long as I have the drive to accomplish this and make a series based on the story, I think I can do well. I have some stories in the thought process as of now, but the way I animate is going to be easy. Giotto makes it so that you don't have to make each individual frame, but instead, just crate the first and last frame. It creates the frames in-between. Is there anything else anyone could offer me. I.E advice, tips, etc.
Try to learn the basics of Character animation and basic scripting/coding.
There's something you could do to get you familiar with it. Have you heard of M.U.G.E.N, by any chance? Yes, well you can create your own fighting game characters in it.

There's plenty of Tut's and guides, and when i made my first Character it seemed to really help me along. Give it a shot if you have the time.

EDIT: Derp this is game advice, by the way. As for anime shows, I believe they use teams of top of the line PC's to do the animation.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by bbush View Post
As long as I have the drive to accomplish this and make a series based on the story, I think I can do well. I have some stories in the thought process as of now, but the way I animate is going to be easy. Giotto makes it so that you don't have to make each individual frame, but instead, just crate the first and last frame. It creates the frames in-between. Is there anything else anyone could offer me. I.E advice, tips, etc.

I DO advise if you get others to help to only trust your closest partners. For they will mooch off you unless you promise some good incentive. Ummm as far as story lining goes I'm glad you have some ideas thats always a good start... if you don't mind my asking what is your story plan going to be? (PM preferabably so worms don't steal your genus) I don't need the story for I have my own :3 Anyways yea if you need any other..... oh yea if your going to design characters if your still in school take socialogoy and psychology for they will help with the understanding of how us humans work

Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
Try to learn the basics of Character animation and basic scripting/coding.
There's something you could do to get you familiar with it. Have you heard of M.U.G.E.N, by any chance? Yes, well you can create your own fighting game characters in it.

There's plenty of Tut's and guides, and when i made my first Character it seemed to really help me along. Give it a shot if you have the time.

EDIT: Derp this is game advice, by the way. As for anime shows, I believe they use teams of top of the line PC's to do the animation.

You seem legit
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
I DO advise if you get others to help to only trust your closest partners. For they will mooch off you unless you promise some good incentive. Ummm as far as story lining goes I'm glad you have some ideas thats always a good start... if you don't mind my asking what is your story plan going to be? (PM preferabably so worms don't steal your genus) I don't need the story for I have my own Anyways yea if you need any other..... oh yea if your going to design characters if your still in school take socialogoy and psychology for they will help with the understanding of how us humans work

I really don't want to explain the story as I don't wish to share it at the moment.
As for character creation, I have the character looks and personality all figured out as well as their ties to the story and other characters.
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
EDIT: Derp this is game advice, by the way. As for anime shows, I believe they use teams of top of the line PC's to do the animation.

Correct, but TBH for 2D stuff you don't need much processing muscle.

Question though, if you're planning on using Vectorian Giotto then why are you also planning on using a raster image editor? Shouldn't you be using vector images with a vector animation tool? Seems you're adding to your own workload. Really you should ditch GIMP & use Inkscape. Vectors + vectors = less work in the long run (and it'll look tidier).

Also you should check out Synfig for animating.
(Yes, it's free)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Thank you so much for the program links. I think those will really help me out in the future.
So which would be better to create an anime series in general. Giotto or Synfig?
Try both, use whichever you're more comfortable with. It doesn't matter which is technically better, it's about which you can get the better results with.

Just remember to stick with vector art if you're using a vector based program.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you