Christmas Lottery
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~`*`~LucidSpore's replay thread~`*`~
This is my permanent replay thread.
Please enjoy, rate, or CnC of you'd like.

Kicking this thread off with a pair of my newest SP replays.

Attached Files
skip hop.rpl (146.7 KB, 70 views)
trickingfail.rpl (84.9 KB, 52 views)
Last edited by Lucid; Sep 28, 2012 at 07:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
those replays look so slow. Use -20.00 to -30.00 gravity to make it more realistic and fast. the trickingfail wasn't that fail, just needed to be faster and further away from uke. I liked the lead up to the pose on the other one too.
I think they look slow because I try to use a lot of relaxed joints. Idk.

Here's a replay that's a bit quicker.
Attached Files
some kix.rpl (179.1 KB, 52 views)
nice replay lucid, i like ur somekix... i can edit it, so u can barely hit uke's ball

u should see this
Attached Files
-------SHIFTz9x_RussianHammer.rpl (140.8 KB, 27 views)
I'm proud to call myself..SHIFTz9x.
I'm not really sure I understand what just happened haha.
I the opening swipe kick (not sure what to call it) was smooth, but you could have gotten a dm if you'd been closer.
pose was stable.
Then uke did a head spin lulwat.
I guess 6.5/10 because it was all over the place.
Your pal,
I wasn't going for DM's in this replay.
How was it all over the place though?
I felt that it was pretty controlled.

The headspin was just for fun though lol
All over the place in the sense that you smacked uke in the face with your foot then he did a headspin. it was just unusual.
Your pal,