(TheUnite) The Homies Unite
Homies Unite! Clan Board!!!
The rules are simple:
1.Respect everyone (even lower ranks)
2.Don't spam.
3.Min belt is :Second dan
4.Believe in us
Leaders:BugBunny6 NatsuHappy and SilverFoxy
Co-leaders: Und3rw0rld Hawk4 and Deathwolfx
Junior members:7
Apply with:
In game name:
Your real name:
Belt (above blue):
Favourate mod:
How active are you on the forum?:
How active are you in game?:
Why would you like to join us?:
Why do you think you can join us?:
Do you watch SlyFoxHound (On Youtube):?
If you wish for a war simply pm us.
We Will And Shall Be Victorius!!!
Last edited by bugbunny6; Feb 11, 2014 at 12:09 AM.
Reason: adding information