An important thing for me is that some people claim that the bible and evolution can coexist.I'd like an explanation for that.
ITT: we judge mordern religious institutions on what they've done hundreds of years ago and stereotype every religious believer into a fundamentalist science-hating potential terrorist.
Catholics are ordinary people. No, they don't want to tell you you're going to hell. Same with every mainstream religion everywhere.
They do coexist, sort of, and have for years
The Catholic church has accepted the theory of evolution and the big bang theory for years, saying that it was all through Gods action and by his will and stuff. which can be seen as a very general answer but whatever.
The book of genesis was a fictional book created by the forfathers of the church to display the power of God. As such we cant take the story of the creation too seriously. especially when there is such overwhelming evidence towards the theory of evolution.
I think this is the 4th time ive had to explain it.
Well since there is seperation of church and state, and i was to kill you because you are atheist, i could not get arested becasue it is my religion? Is that what you are trying to say in these links. The only people that actually kill for religious reasons are the so called terrorist, and I do not believe they only do it for religious reasons.
Most of America would agree.
Those states.
yay, another debate on religion. oh wait, its the exact same one, with the exact same people and responses.
oh well.
Catholic here.
They do coexist, sort of, and have for years
The Catholic church has accepted the theory of evolution and the big bang theory for years, saying that it was all through Gods action and by his will and stuff. which can be seen as a very general answer but whatever.
Well that is just the dumbest things i have heard. Religion doesn't tell you to kill people, corrupt leaders do.
People are not killing because of religion. They are killing for political purposes and using religion as a propaganda instrument and justification for said killing. Bin Laden did not plan 9/11 because the Qo'ran told him to.
Anyways, Church and state is SUPPOSED to be seperated, which it isn't. If there were two people running for office and they both have the same qualifications, except one is Catholic and the other is Atheist, who do you think will win? The Catholic.
Also, in some states, it's impossible for an Atheist to hold public office.
Those states.
As for the terrorists, they do their actions PURELY out of religion. Do you think they do suicide bombings because they felt like it? No. They do it because they believe that they are going to pop 72 cherries in Heaven. I wouldn't want to go kill 1,000 Americans unless I think that I'm going to get awarded for it, now would I?
People are not killing because of religion. They are killing for political purposes and using religion as a propaganda instrument and justification for said killing. Bin Laden did not plan 9/11 because the Qo'ran told him to.