Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Teh Avatar Shop
Well, I made some avatars for the members here if you want me to make one, PM me, free for Guardian members ^^

Didn't know your favorite colors, so I went with blue, tell me if you want me to change it



Dinn't know what your favorite color is, so I went with green, If you want me to change the colors, or the FPS tell me.



Check "Crest's Avatar" Thread if you want this

If anyone wants it, tell me, so I change the name

If you want me to make you one, tell me the colors, and I'll figure something out, will change it if you don't like it

All free, for Guardian members, unless your a really genorous guy, who would give me TC for the making an avatar, so I can get a head texture *hint hint*
Last edited by EchoMarine; Aug 15, 2008 at 07:39 PM.
Wow, You are very talented at making avatars =) But do you take suggestions?
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
i want one ^^can u make like a flame background and then a cool animated text like dans but a different style? or is that too much :P
KoE: I take suggestions, yes

xFlame: Hmmm, I'll try that, but it will take time, because I can't find the damned Adobe After Effects CD, got a new Computer
I'll make you one, BUT! for Guardian members, it is free, you arn't in Guardian, so you have to pay, PM me Favorite colors