Hello my little ponies clan.
I am here to join to this that I could fit in and do activities with you guys. I am mostly forum active and really energetic I really my little ponies show and my favorite character there is rainbow dash and really liked 'season 3 episode 4 which is one bad apple'. I am a brown belt and really up to it to learn more about this clan. maybe if you could accept me I could improve and learn more.My name stands for TradeMarkinster.And more information is that my QI is 525 and you see I was looking at this forum clan page and saw this clan and my little ponies is one of my favorite show.And I am really up to it on what am I going to learn and do. My hobbies is photography and drawing and not at the computer but using paper and other writing materials. I was never banned and always follow rules at the forums and at the clan.I might be donating soon at this clan as soon as I get enough tc and and if I get accepted in this I have not much skillful at using photoshop and gimp. and I have just turned 13 years old at december 4 and really looking forward to more experiences.
Thank you and have nice decision