Relative value of TC?
TC drives the Toribash community and is used to value any and all merchandise in Toribash. Hence, I find a discussion of the value of TC "Discussion" worthy.
// Most of what I say is focused around the Art/Textures board. This is simply because I'm not a Marketeer.
// Feel free to include how much TC per hour you've made via Marketing. As this is highly relevant information.
Flipping burgers at McDonald's nets you at least 7.25 USD per hour in Texas. Conversely one would need to make a 72.5k head-texture in one hour to match this rate.
Of course, no-one expects texture making to be a substitute a real job. But these rates raise a question. How much is TC really worth? I'd say it takes an average of five hours to make a head worth 50k for a decent texture artist. That gives a rate of 10k per hour ~ 1USD per hour. This rate means that making textures for TC is equivalent to getting paid one dollar for an hour of work (Which poor incentive for people to become great textures).
The art market seems pretty inactive at the moment (See 300k minimum set request with no participants. This isn't just nitpicking, the inactivity and lack of will to create new art generalizes to other requests and the rest of the Art/Textures board as well. If you think otherwise feel free to say so and discuss those matters). Does the value of TC have anything to do with this? I don't think there ever was a time where 1USD ~ 1k. But, if the value of TC doesn't have a huge impact on the activity of the Art/Textures board, then what does?
Finally, as I said before, I'm no Marketeer. So I can't say for how healthy the Items board is. If someone could give some input on this that'd be great. From my observations though it seems relatively healthy. The flames market seems pretty dead and hair's don't seem that popular either, but of course they just got released.