Christmas Lottery
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does any one play FFR or StepMania?
does any one play Flash Flash Revoltuon or StepMania?
if so, do you have an account?

if you have no idea what im talking about, FFR is a DDR based game that you play useing your arrow keys
its really fun and there are many songs for it
Step mania is like FFR but you download it to your comp and can play any song any time, you can even put your own songs on it and make step files for it
and if you have a ddr dance pad you can hook it up to your comp and play using that

if you don't play but are interested here are a few sites: is a ddr based game site with online multiplayer is were to download a ddr based game onto your comp
and is were to download songs and step files for it
Re: does any one play FFR or StepMania?
Stepmania FTW

Also DDR kicks ass
[22:26] million: someday, we're gonna destroy space-time
[22:26] million: I'd like to be partly responsible
Re: does any one play FFR or StepMania?
FFR all the way!!


I have all the hidden tokens except the skill ones.

Stepmania's fun too.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Re: does any one play FFR or StepMania?
It's just Hamr.

It's like 21000ish. I suck, but I like it.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Re: does any one play FFR or StepMania?
huh... ddr on a psp?

is it old fasion to play dance games with, you know, a dance mat?
Re: does any one play FFR or StepMania?
Ahh the memories yes I played FFR for like week but I am/was so terible that I gave up...
You're so weak you're like Kool-aid without sugar.