Our oficial mod, Famshu_Dojo.tbm has been made! Now someone defeat pal, he's rank 1.
Bulous(knightstar), zapekk and Muffin (TheMuffinMan) has joined the family.
Linked every member on the first post to their user profile.
We have applied for official. Wish us luck!
Family slogan found; "Together we are strong."
Me and huc made some changes on the DSC.
Internet donated 10k, in total we now have 172k on the bank! Woot!
Wes and ez left.
Kicked demon and recruited a few more members.
Added activity section in this post.
Family tree added.
Adjusted ranks.
Tag bought!
Invited all members!
Currently belting up bank account!
IRC channel made!
Clan launched!
Black= Fresh
Dim Gray= Recent
Gray= Old
Silver= Older
This will be updated from time to time.
Members --------------------------------- Active?
ZeTo ------------------------------------ Away
chamara --------------------------------- Busy-ish
Hucota7 --------------------------------- Yes
pal ------------------------------------- Yes
Timerro --------------------------------- Yes
Fenris ---------------------------------- Yes
Flash ----------------------------------- Yes
Kitten ---------------------------------- Yes
Luminusian ------------------------------ Yes
sprytryne ------------------------------- Busy
Last edited by chamara; May 20, 2013 at 06:11 AM.