Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[R] 512x512 head. 40k to spend.
Hello. I'm requesting for a 512x512 head that matches my pure force and sapphire relax. I'm not too specific, but here's a list of things that would probably catch my attention :

A knight head, Something Cartoony, Something with a face, a white colored cute devil.

Of course it is not just limited to these but whatever you think is good, feel free to show it.

I'll be paying 40 000 tc for the best head that i pick. Remember, 512x512 texture!
Sorry guys, the first head by togo is rather bland, that kind of art for a head is overused and lacking any sense of uniqueness (imo of course). Hmm what about the back and top portion cents? also not liking the mouth part, would be better without any kind of skin showing.