Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Broskie- The machinima
I got bored, so I started a machinima. In case your wondering what a machinima is, it is basically a 'movie' made using a game engine. Instead of using Halo like everyone else, I used... Super Mario Bros. I'll develop it more later. If you have any ideas or tips, tell me.
Flame away
- We're arguing for the sake of arguing -
Nabi is smart- we can't quote people's moments of stupidity in our sigs.

(oh and no offence but you sound 8 ;), i sure hope that isnt your real voice )
Last edited by Blam; Aug 31, 2008 at 12:49 PM.
Originally Posted by Blam View Post

(oh and no offence but you sound 8 ;), i sure hope that isnt your real voice )

Em... no, I edited it. Most people don't sound like chipmunks.
- We're arguing for the sake of arguing -
Nabi is smart- we can't quote people's moments of stupidity in our sigs.
Originally Posted by Shiggy View Post
Em... no, I edited it. Most people don't sound like chipmunks.

idk sounds more like a 3 year old.
Originally Posted by thenoobsho View Post
No offence but that kinda was.... not the best..

Flame away

.................................................. .................................................. .......
- We're arguing for the sake of arguing -
Nabi is smart- we can't quote people's moments of stupidity in our sigs.
I have time, so I made another episode. They're quick to make. Not many things that can go wrong...

You should find this a drastic improvement over the first. A second character really adds some depth.
- We're arguing for the sake of arguing -
Nabi is smart- we can't quote people's moments of stupidity in our sigs.
K, video 1:

It reminded me of ghay, no offence but what the hell? If I wanted to watch something small running about making weird squeaking noises I'd wake up the kids and fill them with food colouring.

You owe me 3 minutes of life for that.

Video 2: Had I been stoned I more than likely would have fallen off my chair laughing at the last line in that one. Amazing how one line stopped you owing me 5 minutes of life.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by skulfuk View Post
K, video 1:

It reminded me of ghay, no offence but what the hell? If I wanted to watch something small running about making weird squeaking noises I'd wake up the kids and fill them with food colouring.

Yeah, vid one was pretty shitty, I wont lie. I just needed to somehow set up the story, and a crappy episode was the way. It was problematic because I basically had to record 3 minutes of me talking to myself.
- We're arguing for the sake of arguing -
Nabi is smart- we can't quote people's moments of stupidity in our sigs.