Christmas Lottery
That wont persuade them. Unless they are rationall, but that is hard to come by these days :P
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
That wont persuade them. Unless they are rationall, but that is hard to come by these days :P

Very likely. They talk of everyone else burying their heads in the sand, and here is my refutation.
Originally Posted by Clbck View Post
Very likely. They talk of everyone else burying their heads in the sand, and here is my refutation.

In the other thread about this stuff someone posted that link and the guy just ignored it.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
Close this thread plz. Conspiracy Theorists are about as smart as the crap i just put in the toilet. Everything's a conspiracy isn't it. Shutup!
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
what. so the government, never lies?

they never go to war for money?

there perfect.

you sir, are stupid.

No the people that think 9/11 was a conspiracy are idiots.
Guys... We all know that it was really the lego figures using plastic explosives.

They hijacked airplanes, and learned arabic, so we would blame the middle-east. They also convinced Colin Powell who had figured out the conspiracy that he was old, and they got him to resign. They brainwashed him into thinking bush was an idiot, which we all know is false.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro