Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Movie discussion
This is the right place in order to discuss any movie, tv-show, daily soup, or whatever with your clanmates.

In order to start the conversation anyone could post his/her favorite movies of all time.
Imma start with the following:

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Dark Knight
The Godfather
Django Unchained
Shawshank Redemption

anyone feel free to comment etc.
I see you listed Shawshank Redemption. This is such a good movie, there is no doubt. I assume you have seen the movie "Green Mile" with Tom Hanks. If you have not, it is a must watch if you like Shawshank. You do have a great list there though.
A hasbeen like the rest
thanks mate, I appreciate that ;)
Yeah, I have seen "Green Mile" and read the book. An amazing story after all.
what are your favorite movies at this moment danny?
This is a hard decision to make I love so many movies but as of now
-Saving Private Ryan
-Green Mile
-Shawshank Redemption
-Pulp Fiction(Quentin Tarantino is great)
-Bucket List(Good Movie)
-Godfather Trilogy
-My Cousin Vinny
The list goes on and on, If I remember anymore, I will definitely add them. I see this as a decent list but opinions vary. It seems like we share a similar interest in movies
A hasbeen like the rest
For some reason, the only movie on my mind now is The Godfather.

Helpful quote

I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
That makes sense, The Godfather had a great cast, and an even better story line. That is arguably one of the greatest movies ever made, and it is the greatest trilogy. That movie has been number for ever, and there is a reason for that. For people that have not seen The Godfather, it is a must see no matter what kind of movies you watch. This is sure to be a favorite. I rate 4.5/5
A hasbeen like the rest
I don't want this thread to die already,
If there are any movies you guys have seen recently or heard about, and you want to talk about it feel free to post here. Also if anyone would like to share their favorite movies and have a discussion about them, feel free to post.
A hasbeen like the rest
I haven't watched a movie in a while. My last was probably Life of Pi.

Helpful quote

I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
hm, haven't seen it yet, but since the acadamy seems too like it I'm quite unsure about it ;)
Unfortunately most of the movies I don't like get nominated by the acadamy
I have heard of the movie, and as of now it is rated in the top 100 movies of all time, maybe even better now. Do you think you can write a small review on it, and describe what it is about in your own words, and how it was.
A hasbeen like the rest