Secret Santa 2024
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Dream Thread
Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. They range from normal and ordinary to overly surreal and bizarre. Dreams can have varying natures, such as frightening, exciting, magical, melancholic, adventurous, or sexual. The events in dreams are generally outside the control of the dreamer, with the exception of lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is self-aware. Dreams can at times make a creative thought occur to the person or give a sense of inspiration. (Wikipedia)

So, my question to you, Off-topic, what are some dreams you've had recently? I have always been fascinated with dreams because it gives you the opportunity to live in a world not bound by the restrictions of the physical world. I know it is a really iffy topic since many people have issues remembering their dreams, or even having them to begin with. For those who do have a dream they remember well, I would like to hear it.

I might even post a few of mine, but they are usually long a complex, so I need to get home and type it on my computer.
I had a dream that I and the universe were one, everything was me and I was everything.
Was some really fucked up shit, it changed me.
Back for good.
You should get tested.

Yesterday I dreamed I was the moon.
Really fucked up shit and not being able to breathe.
I have repeat dreams and sometimes my dreams pick up where they left off... I can't remember details though :3
Tails doll dreams.
I had a dream that I was roaming around the house, then I heard a tragic event.
I said, "Is this a dream?"
Then I woke up.
I sometimes try to remember to say "This is a dream" While I'm asleep, so then when I go to sleep, I forget. FFFFFF

I once had a dream like that, then I started flying.

Fish made of lava. And I can't remember any more dreams.
Here's a tip if you want to wake yourself up (especially during a nightmare):

Close your eyes and hold your ears closed so that you can't respond to the virtual stimuli; it always wakes me up.

Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
i keep dreaming that i can suck my own dick

I did that twice irl.
I've had many dreams similar to Fivah, they've also changed me, but one of the most enigmatic dreams I've ever had went like this:
I was standing on a stone floor; the floor had markings all over it as if an artisan carved ships and flower trim into it. The dream is actually 4 hours long, but this is the important part (e.g part 4 of my long dream, since the other 3 parts corresponded, but were completely different areas):

The stone floor was about a mile wide, and then to my left I noticed there were thin ramps and boardwalks leading down into a massive city made of stone.
I realized that this stone ground was incredibly high in the air, since all I saw was clear blue sky all around. I walked to an edge with two of my female friends, and they then immediately went back to the city. I looked over the edge, and noticed there was no ground in sight; only clear blue sky with a few thin clouds.
Suddenly, a strange feeling of peculiarity overcame my body. About 5 seconds later, a massive shadow suddenly came from nowhere and surrounded the clear, sunny blue sky in some sort of shading effect; the stone ground looked as if a massive wall was in front of it, and it turned darker with shade. It felt like a solar eclipse, I was getting freaked out.
I looked down at my feet, and realized there were pebble and bits of gravel hovering around my knees. Closer inspection revealed a few more pebbles hovering knee-height all across the stone floor (the stone floor was an open dish; really wide and long).
Then suddenly I saw clouds part really fast, and the sun shone in my eye. I saw birds fly by.
And then a feeling of complete terror surrounded me; I was the only person in the area, and there was a gigantic moon right in front of me.
I walked closer to the edge and looked out at it. usually when you would look at a moon at that angle, you could surround it with your hand; but this moon was so massive, I could not surround it with a large hula-hoop, let alone my arms.
It appeared to be only 50 miles or so away, and the overall size of the object horrified me. I could see all of the craters and gorges with detail, and the "graphics" of the overall visual were better than real life.
I made a rough image with inkscape to help convey the experience better, but it should only be taken with a grain of salt; because the moon had much more visible craters, and had background shading against the sky to make it look far more terrifying:

When you look at the image, you're looking at it through my eyes, the women are just there to show the illusion of depth and relative scale:


I had a dream last night. I remember it was quite long but I only remember the last part - I blame this on the fact that I was interrupted mid dream.

I was at my grandparents' house, outside. For some reason I was being chased by a child. I clearly didn't like this much because I had a knife and ran and hid in the shed waiting for the kid to come in and stab him. I remember pushing the knife gently against my stomach to see how sharp it was then I woke up.
I had a dream 2 hours ago. I and some other random people I didn't know were in the ocean, about 4-5 miles away from an island.
There was a boat and I told everyone to hold on to it while I tried to climb up. So I got onto the boat and everyone else started to climb on and the last guy (In a black shirt kind of chubby) fell unconscious before he got on the boat and he started sinking. I dived into the water and it was really hard to carry him up to the boat and I almost drowned trying to save him. Anyways I saved him and started building a tree fort out of sticks on the side of the boat. (fuck logic right?)

Anyways that is the dream.

Originally Posted by NormalCitizen View Post
Here's a tip if you want to wake yourself up (especially during a nightmare):

Close your eyes and hold your ears closed so that you can't respond to the virtual stimuli; it always wakes me up.

I pinch myself.

Another dream I had was I learned I was in a dream and I was in this sort of cube shaped room with people in it and there were multiple platforms
and under these platforms was some black-ish like water.
Anyways I jumped around like a fuckin super hero and flew n shit cuz I knew it was a dream.

I have like 3 more if you want me to continue.
Last edited by m0nk3y8; May 21, 2013 at 08:14 PM.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
My dreams are extremely bizarre actually, it's pretty rare for me to have nightmares, but if there's something that I know from them is that you should not look into a mirror inside one.
I did and nightmare.

But anyway, my dreams consist of the wierdest shit such as exploding huge robots that have cinema rooms inside their legs (which I can see because x-ray vision DDD and flying) or shooting a bunch of toys war style on a high speed jeep, which is being driven by my dog.

Those are just two that I remember.

I've had lots of stuff happen related to lucid dreaming. Reality checks work pretty well with me, such as clock time changing if I look at them repeatedely, or the finger through hand trick.
Also my mind is a dick apparently, because if I try to fly I'll end up faceplanting my garden or the ground. Also when trying to run for whatever reason my legs go 360.tbm and I fail at everything.
Last edited by pusga; May 22, 2013 at 06:46 AM.
oh yeah
Usually I don't remember my dreams, contrary to most people saying they don't have them (everybody has them), but I usually don't remember them. Last night, however; I had a weird dream.

I was riding my moped around my small town with someone on the back... it was a chick so it wasn't gay ; ). Anyways, at some point, I don't remember, the moped became a car and the girl who was on the back was driving the car. We also weren't in the same small town, we were in a larger city just adjacent to my small town. The car was going over a bridge (which goes over the Mississippi) but the bridge was under water. So we were driving through water.

The weirdest part of the dream was how smooth the transitions were considering they were completely obvious once I woke up. I was never aware I was dreaming until I woke up.

It was one of those dreams where you wake up completely confused and half asleep for a sold 10 minutes.